Science meets Spirituality – Why you Should Consider Working With An Intuitive Transformation Coach

Mona Kirstein

Life coaching has become a popular way to achieve personal growth and happiness. People are searching for ways to improve their lives, but don’t always know how to go about it. In 2022 you can find a coach for almost any topic, but only focusing on one area or one defined approach often doesn’t lead to the lasting change people are looking for.

While it’s wonderful to achieve goals, become fit or successful, or release limiting beliefs and behaviors, if we don’t also look at the underlying emotional and spiritual reasons for why we’ve created our current reality, change is often short-lived.

This is where an intuitive transformation coach can be of great value. Someone who can combine science with spirituality and has a unique gift of guiding women to more clarity and reconnecting them with their Higher Self.

That’s where intuitive transformation coaches come in. Intuitive transformation coaches help you to connect with your intuition and guidance from Spirit, so that you can create change in all areas of your life – mind, body and spirit.

Mona Kirstein, Ph.D. is a sought-after Intuitive Transformation Coach who is helping women to connect with their intuition and create change in all areas of their life – mind, body and spirit. Mona has over 10 years of experience in the personal growth industry, combines science with spirituality and has a unique gift of guiding women to more clarity and reconnecting them with their Higher Self.

Spiritual Holistic Coaching & Intuitive Guidance

One of the things that makes Mona so successful is her ability to combine both science and spirituality in her work. She has a unique gift of guiding women to more clarity and reconnecting them with their Higher Self. This combination of disciplines helps her clients to achieve their goals more effectively and provides a more holistic approach to transformation.

Many women come to Mona after working with other coaches who have not been able to help them achieve the level of transformation they are seeking. Mona’s unique approach helps these women to finally breakthrough and make the changes they desire in their lives.

Mona Kirstein, Ph.D. is very passionate about her work and this shines through in her sessions. She is dedicated to helping her clients create positive change in their lives and has a proven track record of success. She also believes in “walking the talk” and coaches from her own experience of growth and transformation.

If you’re looking for an Intuitive Transformation Coach with a scientific and spiritual approach, then Mona Kirstein, Ph.D. is definitely someone you should consider working with.

Intuitive Breakthrough Session & Energy Reading

Most clients start with an Intuitive Breakthrough Session which includes an Energy Reading. In these 60-75 minute long sessions, Mona identifies what is blocking you from seeing clearly or achieving your goals using her skills as a transformational coach as well as her unique psychic gifts. She is able to see the hidden pictures and make connections that might not be visible to you.

The Energy Reading is an important part of the session as it helps to identify any energetic blocks or issues that may be preventing you from moving forward. This reading helps to give you an overview of your current energy landscape and provides a snapshot of where you are energetically. It also identifies what is out of alignment within you and your life and shine a light on blind spots or hidden aspects of yourself.

Mona’s approach is a “no fluff” -approach and she will tell you exactly what she sees. She is a straight shooter and will help you cut through the noise so that you can get to the heart of the matter. Her gentle way of guiding you to the truth is one of the things that makes her so successful.

“Rediscover Your True Self” Coaching Program

Mona also offers a signature 1:1 program called “Rediscover Your True Self” which is a 6- or 12-week coaching program that helps you reconnect with your authentic self. This program is perfect for anyone who wants to make lasting change in their lives and experience more joy, love, and abundance.

The weekly sessions of her program are similar to her breakthrough sessions, but are designed for women who want continuous support on their journey and enjoy the step-by-step transformation and guidance.

Mona’s clients are women who are driven, open minded, are looking for more in their lives and are willing to do the work to get closer to their true selves. If this sounds like you, then the “Rediscover Your True Self” program might be just what you’re looking for.

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