WIN WIN Women, powered by the LA Tribune, will present two day-long, international events to celebrate the 111th anniversary of International Women’s Day! Presenters can be seen virtually on Saturday, March 5 and Tuesday, March 8, from 8am to 5pm PST at www.InternationalWomensDay.org
The WIN WIN Women team has created the powerful 2022 International Women’s Day Theme:
- We Care – by teaching and inspiring each other – each with our own area of expertise and knowledge that we freely share with other women.
- We Connect – using today’s combination of media platforms through online Shows and websites, live conversations, on virtual and live stages worldwide to create WIN WIN opportunities.
- We Collaborate – and help every woman become financially secure.
IWD was officially marked for the first time in 1911, with more than one million people celebrating in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. Women demanded the right to vote, hold public office, and have gender equality in the workplace. IWD reached China in 1949, and spread throughout the US beginning in 1967. The United Nations officially recognized March 8th as International Women’s Day in 1975.
The 3.9 billion women living on this planet have made significant advancements 111 years later. In most nations, women are healthier physically, mentally, and financially than in decades and centuries past. Yet great progress is still necessary because millions of women continue to endure horrific injustices.
Women WIN when they improve their lives, and experts WIN when they help other women. We call that WIN WIN Women!
Come to www.InternationalWomensDay.org throughout the day on March 5th and March 8th to hear inspiring ideas and discussions on how we can Thrive Together!
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsW9Gx9UHcA